Healthcare Concierge measures your daily heart rate without any devices
connected to you and it advises you on your health condition on the spot.
connected to you and it advises you on your health condition on the spot.
1: Measurement explanation screen
2: Screen with individual’s image and start of check-up
3: Analyzing screen
4: Detailed results screen with analysis
5: Advise screen
Our new technology allows the camera in the mirror to measure the blood flow of the face and display the person’s heart rate, blood circulation rate (a form of blood pressure reading) and stress level. It will compare the heart rate of that day and the status of the individual’s health against data accumulated in the cloud on that person to date. At home you register your family's faces the first time you use it and then the health data is accumulated and analyzed each day after. Healthcare Concierge helps in promoting a healthy life style and health management, so you’ll need fewer trips to the doctor.